Selling a Medical Property

Selling a medical property, your property, is a big decision. You have put time and money into the property. You may even occupy the property. It’s going to take a team. Your accountant can help you understand the tax implications. A financial advisor can help suggest ways to reallocate proceeds from the sale. We can help create a smooth, low-stress transaction process.

We purchase properties designed for medical tenants from practice owners and 3rd parties. Sellers have included doctors planning for retirement, practices struggling with internal politics, and other landlords looking to move on from their property.

We also partner with groups to help them design a new space. Is your office old, inefficient, and/or off the main road? We can be your partner to bring in capital and a 3rd party voice to make the process easier.

Long Term Investment

We strive to create a long-term relationships in which tenant success and trust are foundational to our success. Some people “pump and dump” buildings, buying them at a favorable price and selling them at a markup. We like to be in it for the long haul, and as landlords, we make decisions assuming we will own properties long-term.

Empowering our tenants

We feel physicians understand how to run their businesses best, and that our responsibility is to provide our tenants with an excellent building, and service. Our job at Fall Creek Partners LLC is to facilitate tenants in making design and operating decisions, not to interfere with those decisions.

Option to share ownership

We structure agreements that can open up ownership to individuals in the group, enabling them to:

  • Participate in commercial real estate with a low cash position and without signing personally for a loan
  • Diversify personal investment portfolio and create an income stream that is subject to different tax treatment than employment income
  • Participate in ownership of their building as a “silent partner” and so avoid any conflict of interest with business operations

Quick Decisions

Although we cannot take on every project that is brought to us, we promise to assess every query quickly and professionally. We want to make selling a medical property as easy and low-stress as possible for you.